Committees & Councils
Our mission is to help businesses prosper through advocacy, education and exposure.Committees & Councils
Legislative Affairs Committee is the Chamber’s advocate voice. Through a committee analysis of ideas and problems which face our membership, we lend our unified opinion to community leaders and help to shape policies for this community. Our goal is to provide our members with a strong business presence in dealing with the County, the State, and even on a national level. See our Chamber Calendar, here for upcoming meetings!
The Ambassador Council is comprised of members who are eager to promote the Chamber. This committee is instrumental in implementing and hosting many special events. An Ambassadorship is an opportunity to learn about new businesses and services coming into the Chamber and to network with others to promote their own business. They take on new member assignments and work closely with the staff on the Chamber’s retention plan. See our Chamber Calendar, here for upcoming meetings!
The Leadership St. Lucie Alumni Council oversees the administration of Leadership St. Lucie, and is in charge of seeking additional ways to encourage our members’ leadership roles in the community. See our Chamber Calendar, here for upcoming meetings!
The Fort Pierce Area Update has an elected board with the chairman of each serving on the Chamber’s Board of Directors. This council is responsible to be fully aware of and take actions that support the economic welfare of the Fort Pierce area and its businesses by addressing issues brought to their attention by Chamber members, the Board of Directors, and the citizenry. See our Chamber Calendar, here for upcoming meetings!
Port St. Lucie Area Update has an elected board with the chairman of each serving on the Chamber’s Board of Directors. This council is responsible to be fully aware of and take actions that support the economic welfare of the Port St. Lucie area and its businesses by addressing issues brought to their attention by Chamber members, the Board of Directors, and the citizenry. See our Chamber Calendar, here for upcoming meetings!