Young Floridian Scholarship Applications

Young Floridian Scholarship Applications


Apply Here!


  1. Achievement: Accomplishments, honors, and recognition represent evidence of achievement, both in school and community. The direction of purpose (as applied to the student’s category), realization of goals and persistence are important.
  2. Leadership: Initiative in constructive programs, poise in facing difficult problems and courage in meeting responsibilities are hallmarks of a good leader.  Elected positions can demonstrate leadership.  How this leadership is used is the prime factor for consideration.
  3. Character: The character of the individual is measured by his own sense of good judgment as reflected in relationships with others as well as service to school or community.  Character may also be revealed by an individual’s ability to overcome physical or environmental handicaps.
  4. The student may have completed significant course work in the category and/or may have been involved in some extracurricular activity related to the category. These specific guidelines plus the general measurements of achievement, leadership, and character should form the basis for selection of nominees.


  1. You must be a high school senior.
  2. You must be living OR going to school in St. Lucie County.
  3. You must be able to attend the Interview and Judging Breakfast Friday, April 4th at 9AM
  4. If attending a St. Lucie Public High School, you must be recommended by your coordinator.
  5. The same student cannot be nominated in more than one category.

The Coordinators are:

PSLHS – Annette Burke

Westwood Prep – Catherine Brosseau

LPA – Irene Schmahl

TCHS – Nikki DeMaio

FPC – Pamela Thompson

SLWC – Mala Woessner

Mosaic - Rachelle Cortes

JCHS - Caroline Whiddon-Miller

TPHS- Shannon Grillo

Method of Application

Link to online application:

(Academic Excellence applicants must include their transcripts.)


Friday, February 28, 2025 at 4PM

Winner’s Receive:

  1. A two-year scholarship with a book stipend to IRSC to obtain their associate degree.
  2. $500 toward their university expenses made payable to their school of attendance.
  3. $500 check made payable to the winner!

Award Categories:

Categories are used to differentiate the type of services used in the students’ efforts to serve or better their community.  The candidate’s skill in their category should have been used to help others. This award is meant to be given to the student the judges deemed to best represent Young Floridian and its mission to recognize the community contributions of our high school seniors.

Academic Excellence

In this category, and this category alone, the candidate may be selected based on combination of overall scholastic excellence and record of service to others.  While several candidates may have similar academic records, the type and degree of their service will be the deciding factor.


The candidate has provided outstanding service through creative ability in drawing, painting, sculpture, photographs, graphic design, visual arts, dance, vocal, or instrumental music.  The candidate may have sparked school community projects or have inspired, encouraged or taught others through practical application of creative abilities.


The candidate has provided outstanding service in physical education, student team management or leadership, or has contributed to the welfare of others through athletic activities.  The candidate may have displayed exceptional sportsmanship, fair play, and unselfish service.


The candidate has provided outstanding service in a specialty academy, certification or manufacturing program within their school. The student may have contributed through a student organization such as Skills USA or HOSA or efforts may have involved skills in areas such as automotive, manufacturing, construction technology, culinary arts, veterinary assisting, and allied health areas.


The candidate has provided outstanding service as a thespian, director, writer, or organizer in the theatrical arts.  The student may have designed or constructed unusual sets, created original scripts or aided school or community projects, which served to inspire fellow students.

History/Social Studies

The candidate has provided outstanding service in history, economics, sociology, psychology, political science, law studies, criminal justice, social studies, or related subjects, but primarily has applied used their interests to help others.

Human Services

The candidate has provided outstanding contributions to school and/or community through human service industries.  These areas include medical science, travel and tourism, teacher education, community volunteering, or peer counseling.  As the category title indicates, service to others is the paramount consideration.

Journalism/Communications/Language Arts

The candidate has used writing skills for various school, civic, religious or community organizations.  These skills may also be exhibited in student and/or community publications by working with one or more of the following:  newspapers, magazines, television stations, radio stations, photojournalism or other media. The candidate may also have participated in activities that enhance the appreciation of English and literature or provided outstanding service by using his or her expertise in the areas of creative writing, speech or a foreign language for the betterment of his or her school or community.


The candidate has provided outstanding service by contributing to mathematical knowledge through individual or group research projects or by using his or her ability in mathematics. The candidate may also have exhibited knowledge of other aspects of business such as office procedures and practices and equipment, including computer and data processing skills, and applied them for the betterment of school or community.


The candidate has provided outstanding service in the field of computer science, engineering or architecture. Or through practical application of chemistry, physics, biology, earth sciences, physiology, or other scientific areas. Efforts in the areas of ecology and working for a cleaner environment may also be included in this category.